Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Reach for the ceiling, by Morten Skarstad of Sapphire.
This is my contribution to the module competition at the Gathering '94.
The file itself is in MMD1 format (MED Module 1, or OctaMED 3.00 and higher to
you and me) and should work just fine with OctaMEDPlayer 3.00 or higher. You
might also be able to use third party players, such as NPlay, but after several
bad experiences with the latter one, I chose to enclose OctaMEDPlayer 3.00 by
Teijo Kinnunen.
Due to it's massive size (More than 700 KB!), this module needs at least 1 MB
chip RAM to work. By the way, thanks a lot to Ajax/Sapphire for converting my
internal fast RAM to half a meg of additional chip RAM. He certainly knows more
about soldering irons than I do.
The equipment used to create this tune was an Amiga 500 (Kickstart 1.3) with
1 MB chip RAM (See above), a 52 MB GVP harddrive with 2 MB onboard fast RAM, a
GVP DSS8 sampler, an HTE CD-player and a pair of JVC stereo headphones
(Wouldn't hear shit without them). All the samples are sampled by me, some at
home and some at the party when there were any need for them. The samples were
taken from (In no particular order):
- Urban Shakedown: Some Justice
- Tulaba: Tulaba
- Toxic Two: Rave Generator
- TCM: The endpart from House Party 8
- Prodigy: Everybody in the place
- Vanilla Ice: Rollem Up
- Baby D: Let me be your fantasy
- Brainstorm: Brainstorm
- 2 Unlimited: Let the beat control your body
- Decadance: Jump to it
- Manix: Try to love me
- The Doors: Sampled from a KLF record. 'Nuff said!
- Moby: Go
Obviously it is meant to be a quite hardcore track, but at at 139 BPM is is
not likely to make any waves, especially not since all manner of hardcore and
gabber tracks have been coming out of every loudspeaker present on this party.
The module can be played through CLI (I bet you know how to do that) or from
the Workbench (If you don't know how to do that, you are beyond all hope).
It is not packed or anything, so you won't have to worry about packer
libraries, RAM for decrunching and so on.
If anybody out there wants to swap modules (MED or tracker),samples, demos
or simply friendly words, try
Morten Skarstad
(The N is Norway, by the way). Full satisfaction or all money refunded.
I hope the tune does good in the compo, but as this is my first entrance in
ANY music competition, I really don't think I should get my hopes to high.
Hell, it's mostly for fun anyway!
In all sincere
Morten Skarstad
Musician (?) of Sapphire
ReachForTheCeiling 738322 ----rwed 31-Mär-94 06:46:54
Modul-Name: "ReachForTheCeiling"
Format: MED